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[讨论] A brief history of CN community engines










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永吧十五周年建吧日纪念勋章永吧十五周年倒计时海报勋章PK!MF5 冠军PK!MF4 季军最佳效率奖请务必再光临秘密合战!欢乐演员请务必再光临秘密合战!对不起,小姐

发表于 4 天前 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 绿色的糖果 于 2024-10-24 19:13 编辑

A brief history of CN community engines

Hi, I am Green Sweet. I knew the MF community in 2017. Here I will talk about the development of engines in CN MF community. Personal opinions.

In 2006, "HappyLee_12" established Mario Forever Bar on Tieba (https://jump2.bdimg.com/f?kw=%E6 ... 9B%E4%B8%BD&fr=home). Until 2019, Mario Forever Bar is the main public place to discuss Mario Forever topics for Chinese.

When it was 2014, "lyh" released Rainbow Engine (https://archive.marioforever.net/post/2790117203.html). In the early periods, Chinese community members focused on the stability of a Mario Forever template, and they want to create facilities in an easy way. As a consequence, Rainbow Engine became popular among CN community members. Rainbow Engine's release greatly boost the enthusiasm of CN community members. From 2015 to 2017, when was considered to be the "golden age" of creating MF-fangames, many excellent works came into being, and most of the games have a similar appearance to Mario Forever 4.4. Few projects are still based on World 10 Engine, but it is sure that World 10 Engine is no longer the main engine in use.

Since 2017, Baidu has deleted comments, replies, links, and even the whole passages with no reason. Some deleted replies cannot be discovered when you log in your Baidu account. This leads to great difficulty and bad experiences since many people truly want to communicate or release something. In October 2019, "newlife2017" established the CN forum (marioforever.net). Most CN community members chose to abandon Tieba. From then on, almost all activities took place in the CN forum.

In 2019, Clickteam released Clickteam Fusion 2.5+. It supports child events and allows groups to stay in behaviors. It unprecedentedly improved frameworks which means engines will be more convenient to develop and maintain. In September 2020 , "dasasdhba" released Ultra Edition Legacy (https://www.marioforever.net/thread-705-1-1.html) .In November 2022, "MarioX7" released Geography Engine (https://www.marioforever.net/for ... highlight=Geography). Both of them start from zero. They are not Rainbow Engine-based engine. It seemed that Ultra Edition Legacy was popular since its release. Its accurate physical process and strict logic framework received warm welcome of CN community members. This engine allows complex facilities and supports more objects have physical interactions with each other. At the same time, there still exists some Rainbow Engine-users. Some famous projects like Legend World Remake (https://www.marioforever.net/thread-145-1-1.html) and Mario Forever: Mario in the FOREST (https://www.marioforever.net/for ... 03&highlight=FOREST) are made with Rainbow Engine. However, the rise of Ultra Edition series doesn't mean that Rainbow Engine will step down from the stage of history.

Soon later, "dasasdhba" and "MarioX7" tried to make more templates on other platforms. In January 2022, "dasasdhba" released Super Mario Vandal Editor (https://www.marioforever.net/for ... t=Super%2BMario%2BV) on GameMaker8. In August 2023, "dasasdhba" released Mario Forever Berry Editor (https://www.marioforever.net/for ... 020&highlight=Berry) on Godot 3.x. Recently, "MarioX7" has been still working on MF engines. Although non-Clickteam engines appear in both CN community and international community, most fangame-makers get used to creating MF games with Clickteam. And most importantly, it is easy to use. Clickteam is still the priority for most community members. And Ultra Edition series still keep popular in CN community.

Thanks for reading.



2006年,“HappyLee_12”创建了百度永远的玛丽吧。直到2019年,百度永远的玛丽吧是中文Mario Forever社群最为集中的讨论地点。

2014年,“虹原翼”发布了Rainbow Engine(https://archive.marioforever.net/post/2790117203.html)。在早期,同样是创作Mario Forever同人游戏,中文社区成员更加注重引擎使用的便利性和引擎的稳定性(即更少的漏洞),因此Rainbow Engine在中文社区受到了极大的欢迎。Rainbow Engine的诞生,极大地激发了中文社区成员的创作热情。大约2015年至2017年,这一段可以被称作中文Mario Forever社区的“黄金时代”,诞生了很多优质大型作品。这一段时期的中文社区的大部分优质Mario Forever同人游戏创作风格贴近经典的Mario Forever4.4。
而仅有极个别特别老的工程依然在使用基于World 10 Engine的制作模板,可以说基于Mario Forever原版的引擎退出中文Mario Forever社区的历史舞台了。

2017年以来,百度贴吧无故大量删除评论、链接,被删除的回复有可能发布账号视角下不能发现,导致百度贴吧的使用体验极差。2019年,“newlife2017”建立了中文Mario Forever社区论坛,大量Mario Forever圈友从百度贴吧转向社区论坛进行Mario Forever内容的讨论,从此百度贴吧不再是中文Mario Forever社区的主要讨论地点。

2020年,Clickteam更新了Clickteam Fusion 2.5+,支持子事件、behavior支持引入Group等特性,这极大方便了引擎的开发与维护。在此以后,2020年9月和2020年11月,“dasasdhba”、“马里奥X7”先后发布Ultra Edition Legacy(https://www.marioforever.net/thread-705-1-1.html)和Geography Engine(https://www.marioforever.net/for ... highlight=Geography)。这些是Clickteam Fusion平台上为数不多的物理处理精确的引擎。二者都是从零开始制作的引擎,独立于Rainbow Engine。而Ultra Edition Legacy得到了不错的宣传,其精确的物理处理以及严谨的逻辑架构,受到了相当多的中文社区成员的欢迎。这个引擎允许制作复杂的机关、更多物品之间的物理碰撞。与此同时,Rainbow Engine仍然拥有一些用户,可以看见一些著名的大型工程比如《Mario Forever: Mario in the FOREST》(https://www.marioforever.net/for ... 03&highlight=FOREST)和《Legend World Remake》(https://www.marioforever.net/thread-145-1-1.html)依然是以Rainbow Engine作为制作模板的。Ultra Edition系列的兴起并不代表Rainbow Engine退出历史舞台。

不久后,“dasasdhba”、“马里奥X7”开始尝试在其他游戏开发平台上开发引擎。2022年1月,“dasasdhba”发布了基于GameMaker8的Super Mario Vandal Editor(https://www.marioforever.net/for ... t=Super%2BMario%2BV)。2023年8月,“dasasdhba”发布了基于Godot3.x版本的Mario Forever Berry Editor(https://www.marioforever.net/for ... 020&highlight=Berry)。在近几年,“马里奥X7”也在进行引擎开发。虽然中文社区与国际社区都出现了若干个非Clickteam平台的引擎,但是由于大部分Mario Forever爱好者习惯使用Clickteam游戏开发平台,并且其相对容易上手,Clickteam游戏开发平台依然是Mario Forever同人游戏创作的主流游戏开发平台。Ultra Edition系列依然是中文Mario Forever社区主流的引擎。

【勇闯恐怖鬼屋】Mario Forever THE 震撼发布!!!








1443 枚

赞助用户永吧十五周年倒计时海报勋章第三届MW杯冠军第十一届MW杯四强PK!MF3 冠军PK!MF6 亚军PK!MF5 季军PK!MF4 殿军综合发挥奖最佳人气奖欢乐演员欢乐演员人气之王欢乐演员

发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层
有个小问题:那个常用的UE叫Ultra Edition而非Ultra Engine,后者是作品SMMWW使用的引擎。


已改正,感谢提醒  发表于 昨天 19:14
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