本帖最后由 LooPeR231 于 2024-12-7 18:31 编辑
Mario Forever - Winter Franchise Created by Meteo Dream
-- Participants -- ReflexGURU JUE13 Yukana (Electronic Boy) LooPeR231 CoreShinobi124 SerafimGWS SuperMany Furret78 BeatsFox Soundwave961 (Testing and Feedback)
Featuring 4 worlds with varying themes and exciting new level design and mechanics!
With included extra levels, as always! 
Can you beat them all?
DOWNLOAD LINK : https://rnx.su/s/6pCpa4r2zqBdAeG CURRENT VERSION: 1.2 CHANGELOG: https://gist.github.com/reflexguru/7270f80765409bf16d4889446ecdb6f4