☯ 博 丽 不 是 灵 梦 ☯
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本帖最后由 囿里有条小咸鱼 于 2023-12-13 23:22 编辑
众所周知,Decasamsara Worlds系本人第二个大型Mario Forever同人作品,以其制作精良、设计巧妙、新意不穷而闻名海内外。然而,随着1.5版本的更新,Deca开始走向了臃肿化、无中心化的不正路线,因此本人决定重做Decasamsara Worlds。在此之前,Decasamsara Worlds 2的测试版已经发布,而重做Decasamsara Worlds 1的决定也是在2代即将开始做第二关之后才有的……
随着时间的推移,本人对RE越发感到不适,进而开始自己编写MF引擎,于是便先后诞生了Geography Engine、Geography Engine Remade和Geography Engine Ultimate,并决定用GEU来制作新的Decasamsara Worlds 1(即deca v2.0),但是目前该项目只做到了4-3就中道崩殂了,原因是——我已经开始厌倦了使用CTF进行游戏开发与制作。
于是我接触了很多很多其他游戏引擎:GameMaker Studio 2,GDeveloper 5,Construct 3等等,但不是收费就是导出exe麻烦,直到我选择了Godot,它不仅轻量简便,还支持在不用重编译引擎的情况下直接修改编辑器,利用Tool脚本在编辑器内执行代码,而且其脚本语言GDScript简单易上手,非常适合我的情况,加上还支持C#,C++,Rust等语言,因此我决定——用Godot先制作一个Mario Forever引擎,然后用这个引擎来重新制作Decasamsara Worlds。
- Decasamsara Worlds决定正式提升为一个全新的MF“宇宙”项目:Mario Forever Imaginary Galaxy(简称MFIG或者IG),原先的Decasamsara Worlds 1代2.0版本更名为Imaginary Galaxy - Journey to Snowstorm(简称MFIG1、MFIG-JS或者MFJS);原Decasamsara Worlds 2更名为Imaginary Galaxy - Mysteries of Mithril Shrine(简称MFIG2、MFIG-MMS或者MFMMS),规划MFIG3,名字暂未确定
- 所有MFIG系列的作品均使用Godot制作,目前暂定以Godot 4为主
- MFIG并非纯私人MF宇宙,也欢迎各位MF同人游戏开发者前来积极参与投稿,投稿的作品也将会被冠以Imaginary Galaxy的前缀进行发布
- 决定于8.21日建立Mario Forever Imaginary Galaxy交流群,任何想要参与投稿的朋友或者想要交流MFIG的朋友届时欢迎加入讨论
- 第4条所建立之群并非本社区官方群,仅供开发者们开发与交流
First let me make a happy birthday to myself, and then the following texts are what this post is mainly about
As is known to all, Decasamsara Worlds, the second long-series Mario Forever fangames of mine, has gained much applauses around the world because of its fantastic, well-done and creative designs. However, with the release of v1.5, Decasamsara Worlds started going into overgrowing and non-centralization, which made me make a determination to restruct it, before which Decasamsara Worlds 2 had been released in beta stage. The idea to rebuild the game got to the plan after the second level of Decasamsara World 2 was done...
As time went by, Rainbow Engine became an obstacle for me to further development on MF fangames; thus I started a project on self-made MF engines, and Geography Engine, Geography Engine Remade and Geography Engine Ultimate got their release in order, among which I chose the third one - GEU - to construct Decasamsara Worlds v2.0, but when it reached 4-3, the whole project was stalled with a reason - I got hate on using CTF for game development.
Then I started seeking for fitted game-developing engines, such as GameMaker Studio 2, GDeveloper 5, Construct 3, etc. But less of them contain convenience and low money cost. Everything changed when Godot met with me, with convenience and lightness, and it supports direct edit to the editor without compiling the whole software from source codes. Tool scripts allow developers to execute codes in editor mode. What's more, the scripting language - GDScript - is easy for green hands to master, while C#, C++, Rust and other coding languages are supported as well. All these are feeding my demands for a fangame, so I decided to make an MF engine on Godot first and then remake Decasamsara Worlds.
Soon, a granter project came in my mind, which is my gift for you:
- Decasamsara Worlds now turns into a great fangameverse called Mario Forever - Imaginary Galaxy(MFIG or IG in short), while Decasamsara Worlds 1(v2.0) renamed as Imaginary Galaxy - Journey to Snowstorm(MFIG1, MFIG-JS or MFJS in short) and Decasamsara Worlds 2 renamed as Imaginary Galaxy - Mysteries of Mithril Shrine(MFIG2, MFIG-MMS or MFMMS in short). Meanwhile, an MFIG3 has been decided, but no name for it currently.
- All fangames made in MFIG are/should be made with Godot 4.2 or above.
- MFIG is not purely my own fangameverse; instead, everyone who are devoted to MF fangames making and delighted to make them are welcomed to join in this great project and release their games, with MFIG prefix assigned at the time these games get their releases.
- On Aug. 21st, a new Discord server named Mario Forever - Imaginary Galaxy will be established, and every developer is welcomed to join in it and share their ideas and things with friends in it.
- The server in 4th item is not official Mario Forever Discord, and it is only used for developers' communication and game development.