☯ 博 丽 不 是 灵 梦 ☯
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发表于 2023-5-20 10:01:32
本帖最后由 电童·Isamo 于 2023-5-20 10:28 编辑
My thought is: better to make your own, even if it's a wreck, much more than being a copy-cat
I dunno if what you so called "level design" refers to any one factor of it, like terrain, elements, musics, backgrounds and themes, or the sum of them, but one thing here is clear: For the community there stands a rule that if someone does have resorted to plagiarization from other's works, which can be clearly figured out, the post will be removed and the author will be given a STRICT WARNING, and if again, he/she will be given the sentence of 3-day-or-more ban. If it cannot be distinguished directly, or the argument and discuss exists heavily on whether it should be copycat behavior or not, the fangame, in principle, should NOT be given the remark as "Excellent". (The RULES 23-3)
What i mentioned has pointed out what I wanna mean: Copying other's designs in a thief-like way is seriously a stigma, and we encourage each developer to develop his/her own, and it's allowed to use something for references (you know what "references" here means -- you can do something alike, with respect to them, and a credit if necessary or required to do so, but not that catastrophically and cruelly) in a way you admire and respect him/her/them.
That's my own thought on it