近日,Mario Forever 社区管理团队收到社区内成员和一些国外 MF 玩家多方反馈,本社区成员“HUJIANBO05”于近日在私下里过度宣传国外制作组来拉人,且未经社区成员许可将部分社区成员内的言论和图片不经解释地转发到国外,从而导致本社区与国外多方造成了一系列不必要的误会和矛盾。目前本社区管理团队已经基本和事件相关方阐明事件原委,情况暂时可控。但考虑到 HJB 在事件中表现的严重程度,经过管理团队讨论,决定予以 HUJIANBO05 严重警告的处罚。社区管理团队视实际情况保留作出进一步处罚的权利。
管理团队也在此声明,对于和国外 MF 玩家有交流的成员,请务必确保在跨文化交流语境下自己言论的准确性,尽可能减少因为文化差异带来的误会,包括在转发社区和群内聊天记录、图片、视频、直播现场等情形下;尤其是考虑到国内成员对国外一些琐事无法有全面了解,因此若存在与本社区无关的负面事件和对国外玩家的人身评价,请谨慎看待并不要参与相关讨论。
Announcement and Related Description of Giving STRICT WARNING to `HUJIANBO05`
Recently, Chinese MF Community staff received reports from members and foreign MF fans that our member `HUJIANBO05` (abbr. HJB) over-advertised some foreign MF communities and tried to invite members here improperly. Additionally, HJB shared conversations and screenshots from Chinese community to foreign communities without permissions from the owners, which caused unnecessary conflicts between Chinese community to multiple foreign communities. Considering the seriousness of conducts by HJB, Chinese MF Community staff thereby give him a STRICT WARNING penalty. Staff preserves the right to make further penalty according to the situation.
We remind that, for members communicating and discussing with foreign MF fans, please make sure the preciseness of your words and phrases and sentences in cross-culture scenarios and conditions, including sharing contents like conversation, screenshots, videos and stream links, and avoid the misunderstanding from cultural differences. Especially, considering that all members in Chinese community don't have a thorough and complete understanding or awareness of dramas in foreign communities, if you see some dramas, negative discussions and negative comments to foreign MF fans, please take the claims carefully and DO NOT participate in any relevant discussion. |