
楼主 |
发表于 2021-10-18 22:15:36
Final boss HP bar... Though I felt confused at that time, it's mainly a relief to me cuz I don't have to run this marathon further (btw I also skipped Room 10, or I may have to spent more time practicing).
The whole level seems to be unfinished, I understand and think 878 wanted to do too many things and this greatly exceeds his ability. Tbh such a level and a game is a big project, to make it perfect is really, really hard. I mentioned in Tieba that 878 once said he would make a bugfix version but... :thonk: Idk. If he see this thread this may be a hint for him to polish the game?
关于库巴血量……我玩的时候也觉得很迷惑,但总体对我是种解脱,因为终于不用继续在这关耗着了(其实我也跳过了 Room 10,要不然我大概还得耗很长时间)
整关完成度确实不高,我也理解 878 应该是想做太多东西,但是没能把控住。实话讲这样的关卡以至于整个游戏的工程量是巨大的,要把各方面做好真的很难很难,以及我在贴吧好像说过 878 曾经讲他想再更新个版本但是……(撕烤)如果 878 看得到这贴的话可以把内容当成怎么去优化这关的一个指南? |