发表于 2021-9-13 17:28:43
本帖最后由 dasasdhba 于 2021-9-13 17:32 编辑
The followings are some of my views.(Forgive my poor English please)
Artwork: Not bad. Beautiful artworks, but some of the graphic and color mixes are not so suitable, and some effect and parallax backgrounds are not so comfortable.
Difficulty: Immeasurable, because you don't need excellent skills to complete this game as you only need some good fortunes.
设计:糟,很多关卡没有明确的设计主题,还有很多关卡给人一种过分“炫技”的感觉(属是班门弄斧了),这些“炫技”的想法本身不错但是没有良好的设计加以引导和强化,典型的有包括但不限于w2 4-2里面随马里奥变速的敌人以及4-4完全不清楚作用范围的黑洞。当然令人体验最差的那肯定是一些看脸设计典型的如1-5 2-5的库巴战过于依赖于库巴是否乱跳和乱停的随机因素,还有3-5的甜菜砸砖,那可真是至尊体验(。其次有很多意义不明的设计,比如各种颜色的探照灯(如果是在一个探照灯主题世界我觉得完全可行,但如果某一关突然来一个玩家第一次见的他一定是懵逼的),以及一些性质相同的异色而属性不同的敌人。但也不是说完全不好,2-5 除去最后的库巴还是挺不错的,3-3 的早苗子机炮弹还是挺有意思的(,4-1 的节奏砖如果适当引导也会很棒。
Design: Not so good. Most of the levels don't have a core design theme, so they can't give me some unforgettable impressions. I can see some interesting ideas such as the speed of some enemies is relevant to the player's movement, but the level design itself doesn't match the ideas perfectly. The most troubling design is the level 4-4's black hole in my opinion, as the player must be unfamiliar with the range of the black hole's pulling at first, so I had to spend much time to research it, which means that I had to try the part before the black hole's core design once and once again and it finally made me impatient. For a new element, we should design some introductions to let the player fully learn it instead of letting the player to overcome the core design at first, just like you can't calculate 12+15 when you have just learnt how to do 1+1. Also, there are some designs that need more good fortunes but not excellent skills, which frustrated me a lot. Well, to be honest, I really don't like RNG games, especially the one that you don't have enough time to react, just like level 3-5, I always failed to find a way to stay away of all these bouncing beets. By the way, I don't think colorful roto-disc is a good idea unless they appear at the same time in a roto-disc theme world. The main reason is that I can't confirm each color's properties at first, there isn't a specific rule, right? I just don't know the blue one will slow me down and the green one can make me invincible, so they need a introduction as well. However, there are still some impressive levels, such as the level 2-5 (except the Bowser), the Sanae-style bullet in level 3-3, the rhythm blocks in level 4-1 and so on.
In all, this work is nearly perfect except some of the designs in my opinions, good job:) |