绿色的糖果 发表于 2024-8-10 20:17:39

MFGG Graphics Selection (含处理版本)

本帖最后由 绿色的糖果 于 2025-1-28 23:08 编辑

-----< 中文 / Chinese >-----
大家好,这里是绿色的糖果首先祝大家能在 MFGG 素材库的帮助下关卡美化更进一步本帖提供原图精选以及精选后素材的滤镜处理版本(也就是适用于MF)建议看完 Q&A 、看清版本后再下载资源

Q:MFGG 是什么?A:MFGG(全称 Mario Forever Fangame Galaxy)(mfgg.net)是一个马里奥同人素材网站。我这个素材包就是逛遍整个 MFGG 精选出来的。当然,你也可以自己去看看有没有感兴趣的素材,可以不局限于 UE Mod 的 SMMWW Sprite(((((
Q:上面都是 16-bit 素材,大小不适合用于 MF,我该怎么处理?A:可以参考我的 tile 处理教程(https://www.marioforever.net/thread-3115-1-1.html)

Q:MFGG 素材精选(原图)可以在哪里下载?A:方法一:可以在我的永额网盘(删除线)永硕网盘(http://greensweet.ysepan.com/)MFGG Graphics Selection 文件夹中下载到 MFGG 素材精选的原图。方法二(推荐):蓝奏云:https://wwyc.lanzouq.com/b00uyd6gef(密码:cm3l)
Q:有处理好的版本吗?在哪里可以下载?A:很抱歉目前我的精力不足以处理完这么多素材,但是这个 pack 是会长期更新的。去 UE 发布帖进 dasasdhba 的网盘、或者进入社区资源站下载最新版本的 UE Mod 即可,里面有 MFGG 素材收集。
注意:使用时请根据作者相关要求进行 Credit。Credit 要求可参照压缩包内附带的表格文件。
注:如果你有意愿帮忙处理素材,可以在群内帮忙处理素材,推荐按照社区内的教程(https://www.marioforever.net/thread-3115-1-1.html)进行处理若只是想及时获取最新的处理好的素材,也可以加群QQ 群:902537757

-----< English / 英文 >-----

Hi, I am Green Sweet.Today, I would like to share MFGG graphics selection with you.I hope everyone will make better levels with the help of MFGG graphics.Please be patient and read the Q&A below to make sure that you will download the right file.
Q: Is the content suitable for MF at all?A: Maybe. I have only selected graphics which I think are suitable for MF. Secondly, all the files are that I've downloaded from MFGG, WITHOUT SPECIFIC PROCESSION SUCH AS SUPERSAI OR XBR2X.
Q: How can I deal with the 16-bit graphics?A: You can deal with them by following these steps (https://www.marioforever.net/thread-3115-1-1.html) (Chinese Warning).
Q: Is there any processed pack available?A: YES. I have been working on the big project. The pack will have continuous updates. Checking the pack every few months is recommended.
Q: Where can I download not processed version of the pack?A: Method I: Visit http://greensweet.ysepan.com/ and download MFGG graphics selection (原图).rar in MFGG Graphics Selection folder.Method II (Recommended) : Visit my 蓝奏云 netdisk: https://wwyc.lanzouq.com/b00uyd6gef (Password: cm3l ).
Q: Where can I download processed version of the pack?A: The processed version of the graphics has been added into UE Mod.mfa. Just visit dasasdhba's netdisk, then downloading UE Mod.mfa. Generally, dasasdhba will have long term updates. If the downloading method is changed, I will update the pack below this passage or in my personal yesepan.
WARNING: PLEASE CREDIT THE AUTHORS IF THEY ASK TO DO SO.As a result, please check out the table before you use the graphics.A few graphics need authors' agreements by contacting them on Discord.
Porting this passage (English version) to any MF forum is allowed.Special thanks to all MFGG staffs.


绿色的糖果 发表于 2024-11-30 19:18:39

本帖最后由 绿色的糖果 于 2024-11-30 20:06 编辑

鉴于处理过的MFGG素材包体积过大,以后会单独发布,不再整合进UE Mod。请关注我的永硕网盘或者蓝奏云的更新。
蓝奏云链接(推荐):https://wwyc.lanzouq.com/b00uyd6gef (密码: cm3l)

Considering that the proceeded pack is of too big data size, it will no more being included in dasasdhba's UE Mod. Check out the pack in my yespan or lanzou cloud if you want to download it.
Lanzou Cloud link (Recommended) : https://wwyc.lanzouq.com/b00uyd6gef (Password: cm3l )

安德鲁斯123 发表于 2024-8-10 21:44:08


绿色的糖果 发表于 2024-8-18 12:03:21


绿色的糖果 发表于 2024-11-30 19:50:02


When the latest proceeded version of MFGG graphics pack is uploaded, this passage will be also updated.

八雲桐 发表于 2024-11-30 21:06:35

本帖最后由 八雲桐 于 2024-11-30 21:09 编辑


Come and work hard together!

Dr.Chaos Kirby 发表于 2024-11-30 23:23:39


绿色的糖果 发表于 2025-1-15 22:42:50

The proceeded ver. has been updated into v20241130. The latest unproceeded ver. has been also updated. The download links are in 1L & 4L. It was too slow for me to work on the big project in Dec, 2024. However it is still going on. Thank you for using this pack. Next huge update is coming soon.

绿色的糖果 发表于 2025-1-28 15:57:47

v20250128 Updated
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查看完整版本: MFGG Graphics Selection (含处理版本)