A few versions of Mario In the FOREST by DET Factory download?
Hello everyone, I'm looking for some old versions of Mario In The FOREST by DET Factory (a.k.a. 1168438795) for archiving purposes:[*]0.1.0
[*]0.3.3 Fix0
[*]0.5.0 Fix2
[*]0.5.0 Fix3
[*]0.5.0 Fix4
[*]0.6.0 Fix1
All other versions I have are still available on Pan Baidu (for example 0.1.2 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1geOt0cz&pwd=k8r8). @1168438795
PS: I found some extra edition of game but I cannot decrypt the link. Can someone decrypt it? %u94FE%u63A5%uFF1Ahttps%3A//pan.baidu.com/s/1PY0B2rj4M6ULKgtrM7w4-Q%20%u5BC6%u7801%uFF1Apc3o